Camping & Critters

This year’s Bolga Men's Meeting started special! We (the boys and I ) geared up to leave around 5 am with a number of men from the church. We got to ride in the new mission van. We took off around 6 am and didn’t have any car trouble!!! It drove smoothly and the air conditioning worked perfectly which was great cause temps were over 100 degrees.  We were running a bit late so Grandpa helped us make up for lost time. 😅

There weren’t as many people this year (it’s not an easy camp) but the fellowship was sweet as usual! There was great preaching and encouragement.  The theme was “Now”- Man is like a mere breath; His days are like a passing shadow.(Psalms 144:4) It was great for us all to put things in proper perspectives stripped away from the comforts of our home and familiar surroundings. We are truly on this earth a short time preparing for our eternity. I praise God for the opportunity to share with the brethren and also to be encouraged by the other messages from seasoned preachers.
After the long trip before supper, we did our mile run/race to the Via Lake. I have always struggled to run this because of the terrain but also because of the super dry and dusty weather and my weight :D  But.. I had been practicing running 1.7 miles 3 to 4 times a week. So I was ready, or so I thought. Less than a quarter of a mile into the race, I felt like I was going to pass out! My tongue clung to my mouth, my throat felt as if I was being choked, and my backside was still tender from sitting on the sun-baked rocks. My body kept screaming at me to just quit and give up. I kept praying to do my best and just kept putting one foot in front of the other. Finally made it to the lake with my best time in forever for the mile- 7mins 2sec. Reminded me so much about this life- how things just seem so tough, with financial issues, relationship issues, work-related issues, and trials and temptations coming to you from all direction and we often feel tired and worn and just want to give up. When that time comes, all we can do is turn to the Lord in prayer trusting He will see us through and we put one foot in front of the other by faith.

That night we slept on the rocks with just a sheet, but Gilead had a little tent. We never know what critters we will meet up on the rocks as we sleep. Sometimes we awaken to the rustling of bushes, sometimes to kisses from stray goats or stray dogs. You just never know. One time some were surprised by a scorpion. This time one of the men found two cute hedgehogs. They were too cute to be left to fend for themselves in the dry desolate place, so we decided to give them a home and Zion brought them back to Kumasi to keep as pets. Zion has always been fascinated by animals and made them a cage out of scrap material he found when we got home.  We thank God for this great trip!

Meet Pudgie and Buddy




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