Adorable Dora

Dora is the baby sister of three siblings in our Christian school. She has spent 5 months of her 6 months of life in the hospital after being born with a hole in her heart.  
Two weeks ago, the team of American doctors came and assessed Dora but unfortunately, she had not recovered enough for them to attempt the surgery. Exactly a week later, I saw Dora. She looked so pathetic. She was nothing but skin and bones, weak as could be. Severely malnourished and anaemic and gasping for air. She was very irritated by the oxygen tubes going into her nose and struggled to no avail, without even a voice to cry. It was so bad I couldn't bring myself to take a picture as usual. I thought for sure she would die that day or the next. That day as I spent time visiting with the mother she began to open up and talk to me, asking WHY? Why her? Why was her son, Stephen, born with cerebral palsy and handicapped and now her daughter Dora has a hole in her heart? Her heart was hurting and heavy. She related to me how they have no support- financial or moral from any relatives or neighbors. They keep telling her, "Why don't you just take the oxygen off the child and let her die!" "The child isn't worth the money you are spending on her!" "Why did you even conceive her?" "You have been cursed, that is why you are giving birth to handicapped kids!"
These are just a few of the hateful and hurtful things that they have been enduring from "friends" and "family". It got so bad she kept her phone off so she was "cut off" from the outside world (this is basically how handicapped people are treated here in Ghana- very poorly).
 As she spoke to me, my mind went to the passage in John 9 where the disciples were asking who had sinned that the man be born blind-he or his parents? Jesus said it was so that works of God might be displayed in Him. I don't know why Dora was born that way or why Stephen has that condition. But I do know that the work of God is being displayed in their lives! When we think of it, we are so blessed! Things could have been so much worse except for the grace of God. We had a great Bible discussion and took courage and comfort in the Word and prayed. I am so thankful for that opportunity and that God led me to her that day to encourage her. Please pray that we continue to study the word together with their whole family.
Dora when the American team came. If you think this is skinny, she got a whole lot skinnier after this.
Dora as of the 24th of November.
I went to see Dora and she was doing a whole lot better. She is starting to gain weight and has been put on some formula to supplement the mother's milk. She is looking stronger and healthier and has been discharged from the hospital. Since the operation was out of the question, we helped take care of  half the medical bills with the donation from DirectConnect! Praise God for His provision. Our goal was to show the love of God through us and God did a good job!
Dora today
Stephen who suffers from cerebral palsy
 All the siblings
 Daddy working hard at the shop so he could save up and pay for the first half of her medical bills.

Testimony: Some of the doctors and all the nurses were looking at me like I was crazy!- in a good way. What "crazy" guy comes and shows that much love by coming to visit over and over and is prepared to help whatever way possible? When they handed me the bill to pay, the look on their faces was like, "Is he seriously going to pay that for this child?" The look on their faces was even funnier when I brought the receipt. To say the least, they were awestruck and kept asking Dora's mom, "Why? He is not your church member, nor family member, etc. You just have your children in his school. So why?" What a  great opportunity for us to say, because of the love of Christ. Many were interested in coming to our school because we care that much for the kids, parents/family and their well-being. What a great testimony for the Lord!  Keep praying for Dora's health.  She will have to wait until she is older and stronger and there is another opportunity for surgery and in the meantime she needs to be well-cared for and kept safe from other diseases because with the hole in her heart, any sickness could be life-threatening.  


  1. Such a wonderful story. I have been praying for her daily. I think of her and I am so thankful for people like you who take the time to share that love and amaze people along the way. Blessings.

  2. Such a wonderful story. I have been praying for her daily. I think of her and I am so thankful for people like you who take the time to share that love and amaze people along the way. Blessings.


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