Sometimes it Seems like Slow Motion
With a large family; a growing Church; and an expanding school, there is ALWAYS stuff to write about! Each week, even each day, has so many different threads of life going on which are exciting or incredible or dramatic and may be of interest to others. For instance, Attah just had his motorcycle (which he relies on to run errands for the ministry daily) impounded by the police for the crazy reason that there was a shooting of a political figure by someone on a motorcycle recently so the police decided to impound all motorcycles in town so there would be less motorcycle traffic ahead of party elections this Saturday???? Hmmmm, go figure! Yet there is also the mundane stuff. The slow motion. Is God glorified in these things as well? If we can plod on and press on through the tedious and boring routine stuff as well with a great attitude, He is pleased! Character is revealed or tested in the dramatic and climactic times, but it is built and shaped in the daily work of child training, studying, praying, cleaning, teaching, exercising, cooking, homework, and so forth. We strive to press on and we know that our faithful brethren are doing the same! May God say to all of us, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" 

Nothing quite as mundane as paperwork! Much record-keeping and bookwork for clear accountability.

Even paperwork can be interesting when you've got a 10 month old organizational assistant, though!
When you tell the kids there is nothing in the house for snacks, they will learn how to bake cookies :) And they have been trying their hands at agriculture and growing things in their little "gardens".
Nothing quite as mundane as paperwork! Much record-keeping and bookwork for clear accountability.
Even paperwork can be interesting when you've got a 10 month old organizational assistant, though!
Zion decided to have the little ones do "PE" after they finish their preschool work in the afternoons. Tire flipping for toddlers and tiny tykes! πππ
Sometimes it's just persevering. Nights with no electricity.
And pressing on to do what we can in each situation. Especially concerned about Stephen with his increasing seizures from cerebral palsy. Please pray for him and the daily perseverance of all the staff helping with special needs of our students.
And pray I get my motorcycle back to keep running those errands. π
Press on!
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