What A Week!

                                                Owie!  What a way to end this wild week!
But first...
Started off with Zion's birthday fun which was double fun this year because our good friends, the Jantuah family, were staying with us and Stephen Jantuah and Zion share a birthday!  So we took a little trip to the beautiful Lake Bosomtwe for a birthday treat and then had cake later.  Zion and Zoe got to ride horses while the other kids splashed in the lake.  The time at the lake was refreshing, but the road to get there was TERRIBLE 😲.

The next day was Mr. KK's funeral.  In such a tough time, we still give thanks to God.  He was glorified as the Words of eternal salvation were preached to the many hundreds gathered together and the church family was able to draw closer together and be a support and comfort for the Karikari family.  We continue to keep their future in prayer.

The following day was our 13th wedding Anniversary and we praise God for this amazing, full life we get to live together glorifying and serving Him side by side!  We rejoiced to assemble with the saints and hear more great preaching with a lot of visitors that day.

 May God's word yield a return!  And we look forward to every additional day or year that He grants us to enjoy in our marriage.
We wanted to drive Dad and Mom down to Accra for their flight to India and hoped for a chance to go on an anniversary date while there, but the van had some mechanical problems and the trip ended up being much longer and harder than anticipated.
We still thank God that we had extra time to talk and make yearly goals, though, and then a nice visit with some of Attah's family.
We continued from Accra to Cape Coast to visit our dear friends, the Wonder family, who are missionaries starting a new work there.  So thankful for the great friendships both of our families have in Christ!

They were wonderful hosts and we had to say good-byes all too soon.  The trip back home took extra long because of continued vehicle issues ... one stop was by the beautiful ocean where the kids watched the fishing boats.

Once we got home we cleaned a bit, unpacked, and went on a family walk.  When we were almost back to the house, Gilead tripped and busted his chin wide open.  😨  We had to rush off to the ER and he is now sporting FIVE stitches in his chin.  He handled it all so well and we are so very thankful that the doctor was patient and gentle, but it is going to be hard for his momma's heart to see a great big scar there when the bandages come off.  😢
Pray for healing!




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