On the Run

Been a lot of running around lately... both literally and figuratively. I reconnected with a previous acquaintance (parent of a kid in our school) who goes running in the mornings and started joining him every morning at 5:00 am. Hoping to get in better aerobic shape and hoping for a Bible study to develop out of it.
Early mornings
Also made several trips to hospitals to visit Brother Boateng before

and after his brain surgery...

and the wife of my administrative assistant, Mr. Marfo, who just had twins.
Welcome Atta and Ataa!
She is in the ICU of the same hospital where Zion was born almost eleven years ago. Our kids posing with their schoolmates, big brother and big sis of the newborn twins.
Hospital visits are emotional for my wife especially. Seeing so many people in such tough circumstances with no choice but to endure for as long as it may take for the doctors to finally get you in their overworked schedule and hope for the best... the crowded wards with no privacy and constant noise and no mosquito nets... family members have to sleep outside on cardboard if they stay overnight and don’t have anywhere in the city to lodge. 
Outdoor courtyard of hospital where family members camp out  
Yet it is a chance to show care and His love when we visit and is a great reminder too that this life is a fragile, temporal, uncertain thing and we are to make the most of it, preparing for the next life.  One of our students' father just passed away in the same hospital a day ago.  A stark reality and reminder to reach as many as possible as quickly as possible.

Hospital visiting hours are over and people prepare to sleep outdoors behind us
   School continues to run well and it has been so encouraging and such a boost to see some improvements with a couple projects being completed!  The rough cement floors in the kitchen, a classroom, and the assembly room were finally tiled and the staff and students are thrilled and thankful to the kind benefactors who made this possible!
And after Tiling of the School Kitchen
After Tiling the 3rd Grade Learning Center
The babies especially say "Thank You" 😊  So much better to crawl around now! 
                                                                   In other news:
This 3rd grader just lost his first tooth and is so proud of it!




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