and it's the most wonderful time of the year!
What an incredible month December was! Just to list all of the things that happened will take quite a while - let alone try to tell you details about it all! But, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words so maybe we'll let the pictures do the talking for us...
We all looked forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with dear family and friends arriving. We don't have very good pictures of all the family (no, the turkeys in this picture ARE NOT part of them!) though we wish we did! For more, great pictures see our brother Jeremiah's blog!
Zion's first school Christmas program to participate in! They sang up enthusiastically!
It was Jessica's great pleasure to award all of her students their first Bible after completing Learning to Read successfully! They sure were excited to get "real" (no pictures!) Bibles to read like grown ups! 
Happy for the end of school for 2012 and ready for a busy break!
Family Camp started with a huge fellowship meal provided by our local congregation for the many visitors coming into town for the annual Ghana Family Camp.
It was a great camp! Several hundred people came, we personally hosted two families in our apartment, and the fellowship was so encouraging!
Attah enjoyed helping with music for the camp as well as leading a youth night session and doing a lot of the behind-the-scenes organizing.
Jessica very much enjoyed teaching the 2-5 year olds class during Family Camp. It was very impressive that nearly all of these kids understood the lesson in English! This is amazing progress largely due to the Christian schools being started in the various congregations.
During the camp we were able to give out a lot of the donated clothing that came in the shipping container.
Our whole family and extended family who came to visit in December all were hit pretty hard by sickness. God gave us all the strength we needed just when we needed it for specific events and activities during this very busy time in the ministry, though! He gave us comfort and strength when Jessica miscarried at 11 weeks (probably due to all the sickness) right after Christmas too. Christmas was a very precious day with most of our kids' cousins all together, visiting from Cameroon, India, and different parts of Ghana.
Then there was a wedding!
A joyous wedding for us to see Margaret (who spent several years as a boarding student in our home and is very special to us) wed Augustine! Havilah and Wendy were the perfect flowergirls!
And then we saw the year 2012 draw to a close and welcomed in the New Year! Happy New Year to you all! We thank God for all our family, friends, acquaintances, and everyone He brings our way! God Bless!
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