Upon our Return

As we sat down to type this blog post, it was so good for us to list all of the many ways God has blessed our return to Ghana.  Of late, there have also been many little challenges to face, but listing all of the "thankfuls" first helps us keep the right perspective!
      We had a really smooth trip!  From North Carolina to New York to Dubai to Accra to Kumasi - four days of travels - many things could have gone wrong, but God watched over us and we made all connections on time, were blessed with extra seats to spread out a bit on the planes, kids had great attitudes and were well behaved, our bodies stayed healthy and strong, and none of our luggage got lost.
It was wonderful to be met in Accra by family and the blessing of nice weather!
                                     We have loved getting to see family and friends again.

The weather has been exceptionally cool and cloudy - no difficulty weaning ourselves off of air-conditioning :) If you want to come visit us, this time of year is pretty pleasant!
Our new home is great - spacious and neat and peaceful and we have been busy this first week with unpacking, moving stuff over there, and getting ready to completely move in any day now.  We are thankful for sweet hospitality at Jessica's parents' in the interim.

                        Excited to unpack new supplies as we make plans for a new school year!
Putting up a clothesline.  Thankful for many helpers as we move!
Running errands in town on a borrowed bike.

Of course, there are the expected challenges of a third world country - a problem with our electricity meter is taking over a week to fix, fluctuations in the currency exchange rate and inflation means that we spent a whole day finding and comparing prices on all the appliances we need to get for our home and then when Attah went back two days later to make the purchases, prices had changed already!  A whole morning had to be spent simply getting a driver's license renewed.  We are dealing with illness already as our stomachs readjust to different water and pathogens.  And probably the hardest of all is seeing so many needs of the saints and people around us and feeling inadequate to help sometimes!  Each challenge means an opportunity to see God's provision and praise Him as He works us through it, though!  




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