We love having visitors!!!
Just a few days after returning from our visit to Cameroon, we were excited to welcome our own visitors to Ghana from the States!
Attah's brother George, his wife (Alyssa) and three kids (Arioch, Jemimah, and Matthias) came back to Ghana for month long visit.
Zach Tanner, a friend of Attah's who is a MACU student, also arrived to begin his summer internship with us.
They did so much to encourage and motivate us all while here. George spoke to some of our young adults during youth nite and also taught us a new song.
We held another Strong Man competition in the gym and all the guys were glad to see George again.
"The Bear"
"The Rock"
We also put our visitors to work. They were helpful and willing to do anything that needed to be done. From hard physical labor to ....
teaching the little kids in the Daycare while the ladies went for their Annual Ladies Retreat!

Jessica Teaching at the retreat
Alyssa worked hard too - teaching at the retreat and also led a fun dance aerobics class for the ladies.
Fellowship time among the ladies. This annual retreat is a special time for all the ladies to learn, grow, and reconnect.
George and Zach also helped lead a VBS
Almost 200 neighborhood kids were present
Game time
George leading music time. So much ministry was done in the short month that George's family was here. Their visit was a blessing to the whole Church.
And it was a special blessing to our family to have the cousins get to know each other better and strengthen their bonds.
We took a trip to the local zoo together
While there were several interesting and beautiful animals to see,
the kids were just as interested in the tadpoles in the open gutter as anything else! :)
We also took a family trip to the nearby meteor-created lake Bosomtwe
What a beautiful view!
Attah and George's younger sister, Gifty, came to visit with her three children so we got a picture of most of the cousins on the Osebreh side of the family. This is not just a picture of a bunch of cute kids, though. This is a picture of future strong men and women for Christ who are being trained to impact the world for God! They will motivate and inspire and hold each other accountable as they grow up.
Sad farewells had to be said at the end but we trust God and praise Him for He is able to make all things possible and we know He will bring us back together again some day!
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