On the Road |
I hesitate to write a blog post of our travels so far because SOMEONE/SOMEWHERE/SOMETHING will be left out! It doesn't mean you aren't important to us!!! We have been "on tour" (fundraising) for a month now and there is simply too much to write about - we've covered about 2,000 miles, visited/talked with hundreds of people, slept in 13 different beds, played on 8 playgrounds, finished one whole bottle of motion sickness medicine, and forgotten to take pictures most of the time! We just want to share a few pictures with you from the moments when we had a camera near by and REMEMBERED to use it and let you know we've been busy and BLESSED but still have a long ways to go (both in the van and in our finances!). If you want to catch up with us this summer, it's still not too late to put in your request for a visit! :)
One of our LEAST favorite visits - to the doctor for shots! Gotta get a lot of those before flying to Ghana.
Thankful they are such good travellers, even through motion sickness!
Ready to set sail! - for Ghana!
The hours in the van are worth the time with dear family and friends!
Wish we had taken more pictures of more people we got to see and talk with but that was when we were having the BEST times with such good fellowship that we forgot all about taking pictures!
Learning to fish!
Interesting sights along the way - i guess this is a boat house truck.
At one of America's beautiful playgrounds
...and another one!
We try to stretch our legs and burn off some energy after long days in the van.
Got to go to the Creation Museum after one family camp!
Lot's of great information there! So thankful God's Word stands up to ANY test!
Practicing for when we have six kids :)
Welcome home from the hospital, brandnew baby Emerald and momma Gloria!
Stop on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.
Got to see someone catch a little shark on the bridge.
Now we're back in North Carolina. Maybe we'll head your way next! :)
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