As we hinted at before, Ghana is a TOUGH place to live. So as the saying goes....when the going gets tough, the tough get tougher.... or something like that! In preparation for returning to Ghana, we HAVE GOT to get our bodies prepared! Jessica started out by joining a weightloss challenge and taking an early morning bootcamp fitness class. Twelve weeks later and quite a bit fitter, she won the challenge and prize money! Yay! Attah participated in a powerlifting competition back in December - and won. It did help that there weren't any other competitors in his bodyweight division. :)

Seriously, though, we want to be as effective as we can be and hit the ground running when we get back to Ghana, Lord Willing!!!, by early September 2012. Jessica is training for a race with a friend in Richmond in TWO WEEKS! Kinda scary - this will be her first race and it looks like quite an interesting one! Check out the link here! Disclaimer: we're not going for the beer! :) Attah is signing up for another all natural powerlifting competition in June. Anyone want to join him??? So he can have someone to beat this time! HA HA!! It will be nearby in Camden, NC.
We want to be ready for active service and strong to better withstand the heat, sicknesses, muggers, etc. AND to be a good example and open opportunities when sharing with others about the power of Christ when we return to Ghana. Here are a few pictures of the mission gym in Kumasi which Attah really wants to upgrade with any donated equipment or weights which we can ship back in a container. This gym attracts a lot of people in the community and has been a great avenue for making Bible study contacts.
After working out in American gyms, we look at the pictures from Ghana and realize just how much we do with so little over there! Yes, those are actually flywheels (make-do weights!) in the picture!
Well, it's never too early to start training and preparing for our work ahead! Here's a picture of Zion at 12 months. Wasn't he cute?
Oh, and Zion is training his taste buds for Ghana - he adds his dad's fried red pepper sauce to any meal he can. And Havilah and Nile... well, they are part of this too. They are our sleep-deprivation trainers! - making sure we learn to run our bodies on very little sleep by waking us up at odd hours during the night! Bless their hearts :) they have not been feeling well lately.
Ok, gotta run!!!! :)

Seriously, though, we want to be as effective as we can be and hit the ground running when we get back to Ghana, Lord Willing!!!, by early September 2012. Jessica is training for a race with a friend in Richmond in TWO WEEKS! Kinda scary - this will be her first race and it looks like quite an interesting one! Check out the link here! Disclaimer: we're not going for the beer! :) Attah is signing up for another all natural powerlifting competition in June. Anyone want to join him??? So he can have someone to beat this time! HA HA!! It will be nearby in Camden, NC.
We want to be ready for active service and strong to better withstand the heat, sicknesses, muggers, etc. AND to be a good example and open opportunities when sharing with others about the power of Christ when we return to Ghana. Here are a few pictures of the mission gym in Kumasi which Attah really wants to upgrade with any donated equipment or weights which we can ship back in a container. This gym attracts a lot of people in the community and has been a great avenue for making Bible study contacts.
After working out in American gyms, we look at the pictures from Ghana and realize just how much we do with so little over there! Yes, those are actually flywheels (make-do weights!) in the picture!
Well, it's never too early to start training and preparing for our work ahead! Here's a picture of Zion at 12 months. Wasn't he cute?
Oh, and Zion is training his taste buds for Ghana - he adds his dad's fried red pepper sauce to any meal he can. And Havilah and Nile... well, they are part of this too. They are our sleep-deprivation trainers! - making sure we learn to run our bodies on very little sleep by waking us up at odd hours during the night! Bless their hearts :) they have not been feeling well lately.
Ok, gotta run!!!! :)
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