Bolga, Bible Club, and Borehole!

A blog post about many miscellaneous matters!
As always, we praise God for guiding and blessing His ministry and work here in Ghana.  Some of the many goings-on lately which we have been too busy to report on:

A successful and encouraging visit to the North to visit our family, the Akolas, and to participate in their annual Men's Meeting on the Rocks.
                                                         Great preaching and teaching.
                            Great fellowship and fun time camping out Ghana style - very basic!

Back in Kumasi, we successfully ended our second term of this school year.  There are three terms each academic year, so only one more to go!
                     We took one of the classes on an field trip to the lake formed by a meteor hit.
 It has been a WONDERFUL blessing to have our 12 passenger van to make these trips to the North and for field trips, etc.  We are so very thankful and doing our best to use it to God's glory!
 Also using our home and our Saturday's for His glory as our kids host a weekly Bible club for kids.

 After the end of the term, we had a three week spring break during which I participated in a training program for daycare administrators.  It was good to learn more about the laws and regulations pertaining to children in Ghana and to get some ideas for improving our service to our community.
We are back into the school routine and ask prayers for a successful finish to the school year.  We are facing a lot of illness and challenges due to constant water shortages.  Please join us in praying that God would help us get a borehole for our own water supply at school. To Him be all the glory!




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