Renovations & Start of School

Soon after camp was the starting of school. We had to make several renovations on the premises but never had the time (Our daycare doesn't go on breaks except National Holidays) or we never had adequate funds to do it. But…. God, being soooo Good, He provided us with the funds and we used a short break before the start of the new school year to get the work done. We were able to get much accomplished within a relatively short time with the help of many from the church.  Some of the work included painting the entire building, re-concreting the compound, changing the school kitchen from being a storage room to be a real working kitchen to provide meals for kids, etc. Aside from the majority of the concrete work, we decided to do it ourselves. Because the building is multi-used by the gym, daycare, Christian school, and church, we had a pool of people coming together to help which was a blessing! 
The masons, members of our gym, resurfacing the gym floor
Because we keep getting more students, we had to build a new storage room and turn the old one into a kitchen.

Putting up an old basketball rim for the kids
The painting begins
We were blessed to have George Owusu- a graduate of the Christian school who now serves in Cameroon with my in-laws, come and intern with us! He was a great help and encouragement!
Blessed to have tall ones among us :)
An army marches on their stomach and so did these volunteers!  Mrs. KK, our new school cook, got to practice cooking for a large group in our new kitchen.
Getting the kids involved young
All the ladies got into it too!
Kids were working hard too!
Finished work!
After three weeks of hard labor, the building was ready for school, church,  & gym ministries to begin. School began with a number of new admissions now bringing our total number of students to be about 80.
 Happy Students
My students- those working on PACES


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