Camping & Critters

This year’s Bolga Men's Meeting started special! We (the boys and I ) geared up to leave around 5 am with a number of men from the church. We got to ride in the new mission van. We took off around 6 am and didn’t have any car trouble!!! It drove smoothly and the air conditioning worked perfectly which was great cause temps were over 100 degrees. We were running a bit late so Grandpa helped us make up for lost time. 😅 There weren’t as many people this year (it’s not an easy camp) but the fellowship was sweet as usual! There was great preaching and encouragement. The theme was “Now”- Man is like a mere breath; His days are like a passing shadow.(Psalms 144:4) It was great for us all to put things in proper perspectives stripped away from the comforts of our home and familiar surroundings. We are truly on this earth a short time preparing for our eternity. I praise God for the opportunity to share with the brethren and also to be encouraged by the other message...