
Showing posts from January, 2019

School Starts

Gearing up and preparing for the second term of the academic year, entailed much planning, working out details, and organization.  We are thankful for the great unity of staff members who gathered together for a long staff meeting to discuss and plan for the new year and that as the student population grows, we welcome on board a few new staff members this month. Also, in addition to helping in school every morning, Jessica has started doing Preschool work with Gilead and his buddies, Matthew and Benaiah, at home every afternoon. These kids can crack you up with the funny things they say!  Galilee said tracing the lines was too hard because, "the lines are slippery" 😂 and when they were to guess why the lights were off in the house in the story they said, "probably the power was off". 😮 Their excitement is contagious and it is fun to hear Matthew speaking more and more sentences in English. Working on construction of a container classroom - excited to be m...

What A Week!

                                                Owie!  What a way to end this wild week! But first... Started off with Zion's birthday fun which was double fun this year because our good friends, the Jantuah family, were staying with us and Stephen Jantuah and Zion share a birthday!  So we took a little trip to the beautiful Lake Bosomtwe for a birthday treat and then had cake later.  Zion and Zoe got to ride horses while the other kids splashed in the lake.  The time at the lake was refreshing, but the road to get there was TERRIBLE 😲. The next day was Mr. KK's funeral.  In such a tough time, we still give thanks to God.  He was glorified as the Words of eternal salvation were preached to the many hundreds gathered together and the church family was able to draw closer together and be a support and comfort for the Karikari fam...

Holiday Hosting

We celebrate Christ and holiness every day - not just at Christ"mas" or "holydays"- but when the world recognizes these special days and gives extra time off from regular work days, then we get to enjoy the opportunity to gather together with friends and family and make precious memories of fellowship, sharing, laughing, eating, praying, singing, Bible studying, and playing together!  It has been a wonderfully full time with a full home as we have enjoyed hosting several families visiting for the special events of these holidays - from the wedding to Christmas and New Years and staying until the upcoming funeral.  Most of the time we have been too immersed in the moment to take pictures, but here are a few! Listening to Grandpa telling about Christ's birth Michael's first Christmas  Gathered together with family and family-in-Christ Probably the highlight of the day was visiting Kwame in the hospital recovering from the surgery on his leg.  ...

