
Showing posts from November, 2015

Adorable Dora

Dora is the baby sister of three siblings in our Christian school. She has spent 5 months of her 6 months of life in the hospital after being born with a hole in her heart.   Two weeks ago, the team of American doctors came and assessed Dora but unfortunately, she had not recovered enough for them to attempt the surgery. Exactly a week later, I saw Dora. She looked so pathetic. She was nothing but skin and bones, weak as could be. Severely malnourished and anaemic and gasping for air. She was very irritated by the oxygen tubes going into her nose and struggled to no avail, without even a voice to cry. It was so bad I couldn't bring myself to take a picture as usual. I thought for sure she would die that day or the next. That day as I spent time visiting with the mother she began to open up and talk to me, asking WHY? Why her? Why was her son, Stephen, born with cerebral palsy and handicapped and now her daughter Dora has a hole in her heart? Her heart was hurting and heavy. She...

