An Update on our Daycare Centre

A highlight of our summer was being blessed to have Ivy Brothers, Melissa Lewis, and Tiffany Moore come visit us from the US! I went down to Accra to meet them at the airport. We spent the night in Accra and visited two families in the Church there. In Accra with my sister's family and our three visitors As soon as we arrived in Kumasi, we had an hour to get ready and then it was time for the first annual closing program for the Daycare which my wife had helped the children and teachers prepare for. The youngest children in the Daycare with Teacher Cynthia and assistant Miss Blessing Teacher Cynthia leading some of her students Teacher Margaret leading her kids Jessica leading her students Showcasing the amazing work that these 4-6 year-olds have accomplished in the year This daycare was begun with the purpose of meeting a need in the community (although we believe it is best when mothers can care for their own children we realize that many don...