and it's the most wonderful time of the year!

What an incredible month December was! Just to list all of the things that happened will take quite a while - let alone try to tell you details about it all! But, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words so maybe we'll let the pictures do the talking for us... We all looked forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with dear family and friends arriving. We don't have very good pictures of all the family (no, the turkeys in this picture ARE NOT part of them!) though we wish we did! For more, great pictures see our brother Jeremiah's blog! Zion's first school Christmas program to participate in! They sang up enthusiastically! It was Jessica's great pleasure to award all of her students their first Bible after completing Learning to Read successfully! They sure were excited to get "real" (no pictures!) Bibles to read like grown ups! Happy for the end of school for 2012 and ready ...