A Time to Build Up, Laugh, and Dance

These past couple of months have been full of many group/Church team-building activities. We were blessed to have friends and family from around the world visiting us through the Christmas time. We were especially thankful for our newly rented home that we could host four families (21 guests) in. It was very busy but everything was merrier being able to do everything together. The men took a trip up north for the annual Bolgatanga Men's Meeting. As usual we camped out in the open up on the rocky hills and had a super time of teaching, preaching, singing, etc. Afterwards we had our Annual Staff Christmas Party back in Kumasi. God has been faithful to us year after year so we get together as staff and have a little fun and games and food :) , and then individually give testimonies of significant things God has done for us and in us. It was a great time! This was followed by our annual school kids Christmas Presentation. This time each teacher was resp...