
Since our return, we've had a bit of culture shock to deal with (as usual) while we try to wrap our heads around the vast economic differences and living conditions. So many things are much more expensive (furniture, gasoline, electronics, appliances, vehicles) while income is so much lower. It is a harsh reality. The electricity is unreliable and coping with the high humidity and heat is a readjustment. Tropical weather also fosters much more mold and dirt to clean. Cleaning is another challenge as the city water which we rely on at our rented home has been off frequently. Curious how we cope when there is no water for several days? Well, the dirty dishes pile up and the laundry starts to mold and cleaning the bathrooms and mopping is put on hold (except for when your toddler tracks poop through the house 😵), but we buy these bags of water to use for hand washing, teeth brushing, filling the water filter to drink, and for showers. After a day...