The Grinch

For some reason, earlier in December I told my husband that "it just didn't feel like Christmas" and I have often been thinking about how it does not feel like "the most wonderful time of the year" for so many people. No, I haven't been a Grinch 😆, but I have just been more retrospective and thoughtful. I guess God was preparing my heart to deal with some heavy stuff. Since our last blog post, we have had a Christmas program, a school excursion, a birthday, a wedding and a death. We have rejoiced, laughed, celebrated, sobbed, hugged, smiled, cried, and surrendered it all to Jesus. In some ways, I think this will be the best Christmas yet - it will really hit home to us how Christ's birth was a story that encompassed it all - rejoicing angels, weary travelers, scared and uncertain new mother, the pain of childbirth, the hope of Simeon and Anna, grateful magi, adoring shepherds, grudging innkeepers, caring and protective new father, and mourning moth...