Travels...and a New Home

If you have been able to follow us on Facebook then you can see that we've have a very busy but very blessed spring/summer of travels. We couldn't even keep up with posting pictures of everyone and everywhere we have visited, it has been so busy! We are very thankful for the wonderful, genuine hospitality and generosity shown to us and we are refreshed, motivated, and encouraged to return to Ghana (although a bit tired out physically from the toll on our bodies of traveling). We are also excited to return and move into a NEW HOME! Looking on an online site for rentals in Kumasi recently we found a four bedroom apartment for rent. It was right in the neighborhood we needed to be in and it was an incredible, almost unbelievably good price (even cheaper than our two bedroom used to be!). So our dear parents in Ghana checked it out for us, sent us pictures, and a few weeks later we are now the new renters of this new home for our growing family to move into upon...