To and Fro

It has been a personal goal of ours to try and visit and encourage our brethren working in other congregations. God has since opened many doors for us to do that. Bolga Men’s Retreat This March, our family made a commitment to travel up to Bolgatanga in the Northern Region of Ghana. This region is very HOT and really dry as it is closer to the Sahara desert. It was a long 10 hour drive from Kumasi to get there. The bad roads didn’t help the kids’ car sickness either but we were thankful to make it safely! Upon arrival we were able to meet and encourage the evangelist, Adam Akola, & family who are serving up there and are running a Christian School as well. It was refreshing to see their dedicated work, be encouraged by them, and encourage as well. We took along Zion’s classmate, Benjamin Opoku (whose father is the local evangelist in a town near Kumasi), so he could see what it is like to serve the Lord in other parts of Ghana. I took Zion and Benjamin with me fo...