LIGHT! We were blessed to attend a winter preaching retreat in Hanover, VA this past weekend. The preacher said, "God is Light!" (See here for the whole thought-provoking sermon - http://www.hanoverchurchofchrist.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/WinterRetreat_Session3.mp3 ) The first time I ever heard that God is not to be pictured as some old man with a beard sitting on a throne in the clouds and Jesus with blue eyes, long hair and scarred hands sitting beside Him but rather as bright, blazing light/glory I thought to myself, "How boring and unintriguing! Just this great ball of blinding white light!" With amazement I realized how wrong I was the first time I ever visited Times Square. Who wouldn't want to visit famous Times Square in the heart of New York City? I was excited to get there! Standing in the middle of the square and looking up all around me I saw....tons of huge billboards...