Clearing the Container

The process of clearing (paying all necessary fees and physically emptying and transferring the items from the port) the shipping container was quite the arduous, time consuming, and stressful task mainly due to the corruption in the port. Dealing with corruption and seeing raw evil, greed, stupidity, selfishness, hatred, dishonesty, and malice is very difficult when you are simply in a country for the sake of helping others and you know that all that corruption is ultimately not hurting yourself but those others in great need who you want so badly to help. Ultimately, though, what a reminder of the true way to "help" others - not by just handing stuff to them but by teaching the Truth and helping transform the deep rooted character problems and sin from which stem the corruption and poverty in the first place. Praise God it's all over and we are now in the joyous part of utilizing the items for great good! Here are some pictures to share with you from the clearing pr...